R1SE换预防疫情头像 电脑模拟仿真疫情趋势
2020-02-06 19:36:45


SARS has brought an inestimable loss in the development of our society and people's health, and how to prevent and cure it is a problem being concerned about by the theorists and the workers in practice in China. Based on the analysis of spreading characteristics of SARS epidemic in Beijing, the paper uses the theories and methods of system dynamics to set up a system model of the spreading of SARS epidemic. By changing the parameter - - isolation measure, it simulates the development trend of the SARS epidemic in Beijing and the impact of the Isolation Measure on the Control of SARS Epidemic. Through the study, we find that the smaller the isolation strength is and the earlier the isolation measure is taken, the less the total amount of the patients is and the earlier SARS epidemic is controlled. The result provides a theoretical base and guidance to the prevention and cure of SARS and other epidemic infections.

作者王行兵 胡燕 吴满琳

WANG Xing-bing,  HU Yan  ,WU Man-lin  (Dept. of Management and Science, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)


出处《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2005年第11期 299-302,共4页

Computer Simulation

关键词“非典” 系统动力学 隔离措施 模型

SARS System dynamics Isolation measure Model

分类号TP391.9 [自动化与计算机技术—计算机应用技术][自动化与计算机技术—计算机科学与技术]

作者简介王行兵(1978-),男(汉族),安徽明光人,上海理工大学硕士研究生,主要研究方向:工商管理; 胡燕(1979-),女(汉族),江西新余人,上海理工大学硕士研究生,主要研究方向:工商管理; 吴满琳(1956-),女(汉族),上海人,副教授,上海理工大学工商管理研究所副所长,主要研究方向:工商经营管理.

关键词: R1SE 预防疫情头像 电脑模拟仿真 仿真疫情趋势 淘淘宝 taoabo 烽火体育网
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